Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Christmas 2005 -

This was how Kaeli spent the first part of Christmas - snuggled with Frog on the couch. She came down with an intermittent fever and tummy problems on Christmas eve, and wasn't her normal happy cheerful singing self on Christmas Day. She did rally a couple of times and was able to feel well enough to open presents in spurts, but it was not at all what we had expected Christmas to be like! MaMa got sick before lunch, and NaiNai got sick two days after Christmas. JioJio had to head back to Seattle for work, so YeYe was the nurse and caretaker for the household for most of the week between Christmas and New Year's, when Kaeli and MaMa were both supposedly on "vacation".

Kaeli is back to her normal chipper active self, and back at school. NaiNai is on the mend, and MaMa is still working at getting better. YeYe, thankfully, never caught anything! We hope to ALL be healthy soon!