Monday, May 15, 2006

Day at Madison's

Kaeli spent the afternoon at Madison's with BaBa while Amy and I went to a talk given by Michael Han, who leads adoptive families heritage tours in China. On the way home, Kaeli insisted that we needed to go shopping for a guitar. She loved playing it - here she is with Madison accompanying her on the recorder.

Both girls modeled sunglasses for BaBa - Kaeli shows signs of having eaten a chocolate covered fortune cookie recently.

Kaeli and Madison really enjoy their time together, and David (Madison's BaBa) says he loves playing with them on his own. Amy and I enjoy the time we get to spend together doing "mommy things" like shopping, going to workshops, etc., so everyone seems to benefit and enjoy themselves!

Next experiment - sleepovers!!!
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Earth Day at Sellwood Park

Kaeli and I went to Sellwood Park for the Earth Day celebration to see Miss Sarah, Kaeli's music teacher at Goddard School, perform. Kaeli took off her shoes and danced and did yoga along with the crowd and had a marvelous time. She loves dancing to Miss Sarah's drumming and diggeridoo music!

A yoga move
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