Monday, August 27, 2007

Our Day at the Zoo

Sundays are our "special day". Kaeli and I spend the entire day doing fun things together, whatever Kaeli wants to do! Except for the airplane rides she's been asking for recently! Today we had breakfast at McDonald's, where Kaeli is much more interested in playing in the tunnels and slides than eating her eggs. Then we went to the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium, where NaiNai and YeYe bought us a membership. It is a nice small zoo set on a steep hill looking out over the sound.

Kaeli loves to use the map to decide what we're going to do next. We usually have to sit on a bench to look at the paper map that we carry with us and then confer about where we've been and where we should go next. She very carefully points out and names each animal we've seen, and then suggests what ones we should see next.

The day was warm, and we took a break to have "ice cones". Kaeli has become very adept at eating them and not making too big a mess anymore. We also got water and lemonade later.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheryl, thank goodness I am aware of your technical talents and am confident you are backing up this blog in a safe place. Whenever I check this site, I feel like I've had a good visit with you and Kaili (and SOG still!) I had a similar friend -- cat named Katie -- until I was about 35 years old and it finally fell apart. I hope SOG lasts that long. You've no idea how much I love your storytelling and your photos. You are so appreciated Cheryl! Good friend and great Mom! Your friend, Jerilynn in Portland